Don't think we've forgotten about you bee blog! I'm just one lazy mamajama. Last year the camera broke during my first attempt at a hive removal and we just recentlly got another one. I hated the idea of posting without pictures so we got a ton for some catch up. The hive removal was a complete failure as the bees from the hive not only absconeded and abandoned their new home - they also took out my first swarm from eariler (the one where I found the queen on the blue tarp!). So very very disapointing year last year for bee accumulation...no swarm calls and the one swarm I did get failed. I did however get compensated for all the work at the apartment complex and even though the bees all died and I could salvage nothing from it; it was a valuable learning experience and the extra funds helped compensate a bit for some extra hive equipment I purchased eariler. Its still winter-time but we got a nice week long warm-up so the bees were flying around a little bit..one of the hives is more active than the other so I am a little concerned there but I'm going to wait a few more months until we are good into spring to really open them up and poke around.
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