Saturday, March 21, 2009

From Bees to Chickens?

I guess bees were not enough because Shark decided he wanted to have chickens. He set up an appointment to go pick up some chicks last Saturday, 3/14. The guy we got the chicks from lived only about 5 minutes away. We could tell we were getting close to his house when there we chickens all over the road. The guy had to have about 100+ chickens at his house. He was a crazy chicken man.

The original deal was for three chicks; however, when we got there he had four in a box, so it was hard to say no.

One is going to be a white foghorn leghorn type chick which lays white eggs. The other three will be a surprise, but should lay brown eggs. Next step, build a chicken coop. I wonder how many of these chickens will end up being roosters?

Here are some pictures of the chicks the day we brought them home!

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