Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winter Time

I think its still technically fall but we did get our first few snow falls this season. I read at about using roofing felt to wrap the hives up to help keep them warm. The hives I'm using are supposed to be better than the standard wood hives for winter conditions so in combination with the wrap I'm hoping for a high survival rate come spring.

I didn't post any pictures of the apiary area since we moved in; at least not during the day so you'll have to wait until spring when I unwrap them to see them up and about. I'll try and get some good shots of them flying. A few weeks back before it got real cold we would come home and just sit and watch them do their thing for a while. Really relaxing!

I went to the store to buy the roofing felt and when I got home with it we realized that the original home owners had left a nearly full roll in the garage! So I used that first and there was enough to where I don't need the one I bought - return time! Dade, our Hound-mix, helped hold down the edges while I used the tape.

I used some of the excess wrap for the logged-hive to try and close up the entrance against the winds. I blew some air in there today and I heard them buzzing so that has to be a good sign. I noticed a few dead bees near the entrance and after some tapping I wasn't really able to hear much from Thing 1, so I'm a little concerned there.. I don't wanna open it though because it'll ruin all the nice insulation the bees have worked on over the summer. Thing 2 sounded fine after a tap. Enjoy the pix!